Earlier this evening, Julian was surfing his Facebook, and caught this outlandish picture through his peripheral; he has an eye for finding sharks getting pile driven by Streets of Rage-esque characters.
Now, I did some research and have now come to the understanding that approximately once every 2009 years a shark loses it's life due to a wrestling related death. Now for those that thought wrestling was fake, prepare to reconsider that assumption, because soon enough, sharks will become extinct and we can blame it on table crashes and barbed wire matches. And you better think twice if you were "that" kid who wanted to grow up and become a professional wrestler and announce your gimmick as "shark boy". Next time you swim in the ocean, be aware of wrestlers. Yell "WRESTLER!" to warn others. If you encounter one, punch it in the nose and/or the vicinity of the scrotum then contact the local life guard or beach patrol; they're usually attracted to steroids or Stacker 2 pills.
What marketing campaign thought it was a GREAT idea to have a man pile driving a shark?
...Because a shark pile driving a human is just a little over the top.
Streets of Rage!!! I beat that game with every character.