And a happy Wednesday to you too.
In exchange for a bag of sour gummy worms and $10 cash back, I had the privilege to witness some new, yet good friends, play at the Roxy tonight in Hollywood. Run Doris Run is what they call themselves and what we shall go along with as long as they plug and play till our ear drums are the source of Mike Oncley's drumsticks snapping.
The crowd wasn't the largest, nor the liveliest but some individuals dipped their foot in the water of dance and indulged with us in some swift leg exchanges and arm waving hubbub. But what I enjoyed the most was the instrumental breaks during each song that can't be heard on the record, but only experienced LIVE; that is was makes seeing bands LIVE more enticing. The experimentalism they bestowed to the crowd allowed us to understand how genuine (their) music can be, and how they should be and are respected as musicians. Can they go further in respect to LIVE musical experimentalism? Of course they can, but what they did for a short set and a small crowd tonight was just enough to keep us listening, in tune and our toes tapping.
As for 24 hour Subways in LA ONE in Long Beach, just one, and I'll bet all my autographed Michael McDonald vinyls that they'd make enough money to stimulate the economy single handedly on April 20th of 2009. Plus I fell in love with the Veggie Patties thank to Christine Gonzales; toasted with pepper jack cheese please.
And for pokemon fans akin this put Julian and Me in stitches. Those who aren't, you'll be creeped out.

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